Monday, December 29, 2014

A New Me For 2015

I have a lot that I have to work on in 2015 for my internal and external self.  Everyone is in the process of making a list of all their New Years resolutions, but not me.  As I mentioned in another post, I will not be making any New Years resolutions this year.  In the past years, I've always made a list of New Years resolutions and felt completely guilty when I didn't end up sticking to them.  I think I beat myself up more about things than the average person does anyway.  Having resolutions makes me feel like I definitely need to have something completely accomplished before years end.  So, that's why I'm doing things different this year.  I still have a list of things that I want to accomplish, but I'm just not calling them resolutions. . .sounds less dramatic if things don't end up going my way.  Also, my focus point is to keep in mind that if things don't go quite my way, that is perfectly okay.  Just knowing that I did better than the previous year is an accomplishment all in itself.

Note to self:  I love someecards.  They pretty much some up my life in a nutshell.

So without further ado, here is my list of things to work on this upcoming year:
  • Calm down my habit of over thinking
  • Make healthier choices for myself (eating and exercise/mentally, too.)
  • Continue to do well in college
  • Save money
  • Obtain an entry level job in my field of study
  • Learn better self-control and self-respect
  • Incorporate more positiveness in my life
This year will definitely be a challenge for me, but no one said that a challenge is a bad thing either.  If we don't have anything to work toward in life then what is the purpose of living?  My biggest problem is, I don't give myself enough credit and don't value anything about myself.  I really have to work on changing my mind-set.  I know I have a purpose, otherwise I wouldn't have been put here in the first place.  So, that's my goal this year is to find my purpose and my true self.  If I don't find it this year, heck, I'm only twenty-three; at least I'm working toward it.

Do you make New Years resolutions?  Or do you hope just like me to have a better year than the last?  Why kinds of things are you working on in the up coming year?  I'd love to hear them.  Feel free to leave them in the comments below!


  1. I love your goals! I haven't made resolutions in the past but with the blog this year, I feel like I'm so much more connected and accountable to the things I want to accomplish. I'm going to do a year in review {2014} and goals for {2015}.


  2. Claire,

    I wish you the best of luck in the upcoming year! Thanks for stopping by my blog! :) I checked out your blog and I really like your header! Very cute!


  3. Good luck. I don't make resolutions but I do make goals for each year. They are usually a little bit of a challenge, but not so far fetched that they are unattainable. This year they are both physical and financial. Here's to 2015!

    1. Good luck to you as well, Shalama! Yes, I totally agree that your goals should be attainable. I too, will be working on both physical and financial goals this year! Best of luck in 2015!

  4. I usually make a list of a few resolutions that always include setting some intense line or boundary, but last year made the effort to take a year and do something different and focus on growing my way in very specific ways. I loved the way that it went so I'm going to do it over again this year and LOVELY! :)

    1. Amber,

      Great! Thank you for sharing! Now, I'm totally excited to for the New Year! Best of luck to you in the year to come! :)
