Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Gift Cards And Money Are My Best-friend (And They Can Be Yours Too!)

So, I'm rather excited because I usually get spoiled before Christmas. . .typically around this time actually.  Despite whatever directions my family takes off into throughout the years, I'm still and probably will always be the baby in the family until I have kids, of course.  With that being said, I inevitably still get spoiled even at the age of twenty-three.

A lot of people feel awkward when it comes to trying to decide whether or not to just give money and/or a gift card for a Christmas present.  You might feel like you didn't put a lot of thought into it and people will just think that you took the easy way out.  Well, if you're anything like me then heck no, you won't feel that way!  As I stated in my 'Christmas Tips 101' post, I LOVE gift-cards and even more so, I LOVE getting money!  I might sound selfish, but who doesn't like being able to get out of the house and actually have the mula to go shopping?

Besides, I think that you're being very thoughtful when you give a gift card and especially when you give money!  Here is my thought process on this whole dilemma.  First of all, it helps you to avoid feeling embarrassed that there is a chance that they won't like your gift and you save them the disappointment and inconvenience of not liking your gift and having to return or exchange it.  Secondly, if you gift a gift card, you can hardly go wrong.  There is a very small chance that the person you're gifting to won't like your choice of gift card for them.  If you're giving anyone a gift, I would think that you would know them well enough to at least know of one place that they either like to shop or dine.  Even if you are participating in secret Santa at work, through engaging in non-work related conversations, shopping or restaurants has to come up one time or another.  I mean, lets be honest. . .we don't always work at work.   Then again, if you give money, you really can't go wrong at all.  

Most people refuse to give money because they want the money to go toward enjoyment and they know that smart people will use it toward their bills and let me tell you, that's a Christmas present all by itself to know that you can stay where you're living for one more month.  Luckily, that is not the case with Jason and I.  Granted, we're far from wealthy, but we're at least lucky enough to have the luxury of reserving our money from Christmas toward things that we want.

My mother and grandmother are usually always the most generous to me and even though this post has so far made me sound like a spoiled brat, I truly do appreciate it.  I'll be honest though, growing up, I didn't really appreciate everything they did for me.

When I relocated to South Carolina and had to literally work for everything that I wanted and needed is truly when I began to understand and appreciate the things they did and continue to do for me.  When you are in a situation where you literally work for everything that you want and need to the point where you are living nearly pay check to pay check, you learn to understand the true meaning of a dollar and how hard it is to earn that dollar.  Also, when you are given the extra money to finally get out of the house to do something that you enjoy instead of having to put it toward bills, it feels good.  You appreciate it because you know how hard that person had to work in order for you to enjoy yourself at their expense.  To me, giving money isn't thoughtless.  If someone thought enough about me to give me some of their hard earned money, that is enough thought for me.

So far this year for Christmas, I've been blessed with monetary gifts from my mother and grandmother, but out of respect for them, I will refrain from stating the amounts given to me.  Besides, despite whatever amount they give, it's always greatly appreciated.

FYI: Gift cards and money are also great when you're tight on time!

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