Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Switched Over from Weebly to Blogger

Phew.  That was an exhausting switch I must really say.  I had to figure out how to re-code everything from Weebly over to Blogger.  Holy crap is all I have to say!  It has been a difficult past couple of days trying to figure it all out, but I finally got it.

I should return now to regularly scheduled blogging.  Sorry for the confusion ya'll.  I left a 'good-bye post' on my Weebly account.  It can be found at Note the Obvious @ Weebly.  I hope that all my previous followers on that blog find their way over to this blog.  I promise, no more major changes!  I'm done.

Thank ya'll so much for your patience!

Here is a picture of an apple pie that I baked for Thanksgiving.  Looks yummy, doesn't it?

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  1. Hey :)

    Beautiful picture! I'm a new blogger too and I am trying to concentrate on mainly photography and lifestyle pieces.


  2. Shivani,

    I will definitely check out your blog. I sort of have a thing for photography as well. However, I'm just an amateur iPhone picture taker. Haha. I like to pretend that I'm a professional picture taker.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

    I really do appreciate it!

