Prior to becoming a college student, I never quite understood why people in college got so stressed out. Now that I'm nearly two semesters away from the completion of my associates degree, I think I'm definitely understanding. I want my fellow college peeps to know that they're not alone when it comes to the things that they worry about when it comes to college. Let me know if you constantly think or worry about the things I have listed below!
- Keeping your GPA as high as you possibly can.
- Deadlines (Especially when a professor wants something done that takes a week within a few days)
- How am I going to afford to pay my student loans back?
- What happens if I can't find a job in my field after college?
- Am I going for the right type of degree?
- What happens if I get my degree and I lose interest in the field?
- The dread of applying for scholarships and grants.
- Midterms and finals being such a significant part of your grade.
- Panicking over a problem that occurred right before a deadline.
- Constantly analyzing whether you interpreted the assignment correctly.
- Whether or not your work is to your professors satisfaction.
- Feeling like you could potentially ask a really stupid question.
- How will prospective jobs feel if they know I took my degree online?
Those are just some of the things that I constantly think or worry about that I can think of off the top of my head. If you are a college student or are a former college student, please feel free to share what you constantly think/thought or worry/worried about below!
You're right, every college student definitely worries about these things! As a recent college graduate, I can tell you to try and enjoy your life as a college student--the "real world" is definitely not as fun and carefree! :P Have fun and enjoy life; after all, worrying is just a waste of time! P.S. I LOVE the picture for this post!!!!