Sunday, January 25, 2015

I'm Still Here, Ya'll!

I know, I know.  I've been very blog-neglectful lately.  "Tinisha, you were posting almost every day in December.  What happened?"  Well, I started school and a new lifestyle change.  Believe it or not, there is life beyond blogging!  No, I don't love it any less just because my life just got a bit more consumed by priorities.  I'm still just as obsessed and in love with my blog as before!  Promise.

So, what's been going on with me lately?

Well, I've lost almost 15 pounds in a month!  I'm doing so well with weight loss.  I've been creating and finding healthy alternatives to the things that I absolutely love to eat.  I've started doing tae bo which absolutely kicks your ass, but takes the weight off!  

These are the ingredients for Dr. Oz's healthy breakfast shake, but I've only had it once.  The next time I have it, I'm going to modify the rice protein powder and ground flax seed because the shake was just way too powdery for me.

Instead of using bread for your sandwiches, try a romaine lettuce leaf!  This is tuna fish salad!  It was really tasty and best part was, it was guilt-free!

My new favorite dish -- lean ground turkey shepherds pie!  Once square slice is only 201 calories!

I had this delicious little number for lunch today!  I call it -- tomato parmesan wraps!  These wraps are only 81 calories!  The cheese is fat-free.

This is my new favorite snack!  Chocolate, peanut butter milk shake!  This was so good and guilt-free that I will even be generous and spill the recipe for ya'll!

1 cup of Arctic Zero, chocolate peanut butter ice cream
1/2 cup of unsweetened almond milk
1 tbsp of PB2 (Powdered peanut butter)

Blend all the ingredients in a blender.  I blended mine in the Nutribullet.

Other than that, school has been going great.  I'm only two weeks into the semester, but I'm pretty sure that I will maintain an 'A' average.  I'm so loving my classes, especially macroeconomics!  Our fur babies have their annual check-up tomorrow with their follow-up shots.  Next Monday, I have my nerve racking appointment with the hand specialist up in Greenville.  The closer it gets, the more nervous I get!  I'm hoping that he will have good news for me.  I'm just dying to go back to work -- that is, if I still have a job to return to.

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