Monday, March 23, 2015

I Made A Turkey Meatloaf And He Liked It

On Saturday, despite how sick I was (and still am), I made Jason and myself some turkey meatloaf.  Usually when I'm sick, nothing I make is ever good.  For one, I can't taste.  For two, I can't smell.  Well, guess what?  I received Jason's golden seal of approval!  In fact, he liked it better than a beef meatloaf.  That was surprising to me.  Buttered penne and green beans were the sides.  But anyway, the funny thing was, I didn't do anything different than what most people do when it comes to making a meatloaf.

Tinisha's Turkey Meatloaf Recipe 

1 1/2 pounds of lean ground turkey
1/4 cup of chopped yellow onion
2 Tbsp of basil
2 Tbsp of parsley
1 Tbsp of garlic powder
2 large white eggs
1 cup of Italian styled bread crumbs
1/4 cup of ketchup

Mix all ingredients together well, except ketchup
Spray desired pan with cooking spray
Mold meatloaf into desired pan
Spread ketchup evenly on top of meatloaf until fully and evenly covered
Bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour

I don't have a picture because that's how fast the meatloaf was eaten.  Jason said I didn't make enough of it.  I made enough to properly eat in portion, but I guess that doesn't apply to most men.  Next time, I will be sure to get a picture of it.  Jason and I both agree that the ketchup baked on top of the meatloaf is definitely better than applying cold ketchup to hot meatloaf.

Do ya'll have any recipes that your other half loves?  If so, feel free to share them below!  I'd love to give them a try and get back to you with the results!!

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