Thursday, January 1, 2015 & How I Feel About It

Let me first start this post off by saying, Happy New Year!  It's official everyone!  We're now in 2015!!  Hope it's a great year for everyone!

Recently, by skimming my newsfeed on Facebook, I came across a Facebook status of a friend (who shall remain anonymous) who utilized in order to help fund for his wedding. is another common site for requesting funds.  Don't get me wrong, I don't know the full story, but I do know one thing; both people in the relationship do work.  However, only one person in the relationship works for profit.  They claim that they only have so much money -- then why is only one person in the relationship working for profit?

Jason and I have been together for 4 years this past November and still aren't married.  Another fact that I know about this particular couple is that they haven't been dating long.  They just met this year, I believe.  I don't know.  I must be old fashioned in the sense that I believe it takes longer than a year to determine whether or not you want to marry someone.  I'm not saying that people who have been together for less time than Jason and I have been together shouldn't get married.  I'm just stating that they should have to save for it just like the rest of us, especially when they are capable of it.

An example couple who I could understand if they asked people to help fund their wedding is if one or both people in the relationship had something terminally wrong with them in which they couldn't work in order to save for it.  That's beyond their control and I can even see that it would be very difficult for just one person in the relationship to save for such an event on top of paying all other necessary bills.

As you can tell from the snippet above, what is trending on is accurate for the most part to what I believe is worthy of requesting funds for; medical, emergencies, memorials . . .I even thought animals would be a pretty popular category.

People these days chalk it up that it's such a quick and easy decision to make.  That's one of the biggest reasons that the divorce rate is so high.  That and the fact that people are also just as quick to throw in the towel when something goes wrong.

But anyway, that's not even the purpose of this post.  Gosh, I ramble a lot.

I'm not knocking the people who have no money and want to get married.  The point I'm trying to get at is that both of these people have the potential to save toward their wedding and they are utilizing a fund site, so that other people can pay for their wedding.  Again, I'm old fashioned, but I was always under the impression that if your mommy and daddy don't have the means to fork-up some money toward your wedding, if not pay for the entirety of it, then you're on your own.

I was always taught, "If you don't have the money, you don't get it".  It was and should still be that simple.

Besides, there are a ton of people and by ton, I mean millions of people who need money for reasons that are detrimental to them whether it's physical or mental.

I can think of a million different reasons that I rather give money toward than someones wedding, especially when they both are able to work in order to save.

What about the people with terminal illnesses such as cancer and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)?  What about that puppy or kitty that is about to be put down if they can't get enough funds to help pay for its medical procedure?  Or how about the people who lose their home in a house fire?

What are your thoughts on this matter?  Leave your comments below!


  1. I was bothered by gofundme when I saw a Facebook post with a girl asking for money for her and her husband to go to Disney...

    1. Wow. I've definitely seen some awful gofundme pages but that might be the worst!

  2. Hi Tinisha! Thanks for following me on Bloglovin' :). I stumbled across this post and I just want to comment I totally agree. I have seen some ridiculous stuff on GoFundMe, Kickstarter, and Indiegogo. I myself have used GoFundMe for my classroom and I found it super easy and convenient, but I felt so guilty about it that I don't think I'll use it again. So many unworthy requests that the people who really need help get overlooked!

    1. Elizabeth,

      Education is important, so I really don't think you should feel guilty about utilizing the site for that.

      Thank you so much for stopping by my blog! I appreciate it! :)

  3. I completely agree with this!! it seems like people are taking advantage of these sites that were designed to help out for a cause. I can understand if it's for a school program, medical issues, or a devastating life event, but if a person wants something for the sake of wanting it, they should need to work for it like most of us. Great topic Tinisha!

    1. I thought it made for an interesting discussion anyway -- glad most agree with me on this! I'm just not sure where people think they get off trying to utilize a site like such for selfish reasons. There are so many people suffering out there medically alone that need assistance and can't get it. Thank you for sharing your thoughts!
