Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Blog Overhaul

I'm thinking about doing a blog overhaul.  I don't know.  I feel like I need a change.  Get this -- I'm even thinking about actually purchasing a domain name.  How crazy is that?  For the longest time, I was like, "I'm not hopping on the domain name bandwagon..."  But, I really think I might.  I'm probably going to set up all new accounts for social media and everything.  I just feel like I need a a revamping now that I have a thorough understanding of how to use blogger and such.

I shall keep ya'll posted.

I'm torn between the two blog names, twenty4seven and needle in a haystack...not sure which I'm going with.  Which one do you like better?


  1. I like Note The Obvious, to be honest!! Maybe you just need to change the design of your blog to get the change you want? Just a suggestion. I'm sure whatever you do will be great! // US Lifestyle Blog

  2. I do like Note The Obvious. But I feel you on the needing change. Sometimes it's just necessary!

  3. Yeah, I think I still like notetheobvious as well. Maybe a color change was all I needed.
