Monday, May 11, 2015

Take The Good With The Bad

Hey, everyone -- checking in!  It's been awhile.  I know.  I have a lot going on, but not a lot going on.  Physically, all I have is school work and maintaining my apartment right now.  I'm trying to figure out what is going on with my job, that is, whether or not I still have one.  I have a lot of things that I have to work out with my inner self and things that I have to work on in general.  Blogging for me right now will be periodic as I can't dedicate as much time to it right now as I would like.  I'm still not giving up on it though.  I still very much love to blog.  If any of my followers want to leave, I completely understand.  For those of you who want to remain loyal to me and my blog, I adore you and it's definitely, DEFINITELY appreciated.

Thanks for understanding.

Much love <3


  1. I'm not going anywhere! <3 My blog is often neglected but I go back every so often. So I understand...

  2. I'm not going anywhere! <3 My blog is often neglected but I go back every so often. So I understand...
